What Stays The Same

I talk a lot about change and embracing that which is fluid.

Today let’s shift gears and talk about what’s the same.

It was a snow day here yesterday. The lockdown for school is finally over yet a massive snowstorm put any ideas of returning to the classroom quickly to bed. 

It’s also Omicron season, and plans of returning to the office have been postponed.

There has been a lot of change, but believe it or not, some things have stayed the same, possibly the most important things. 

So what is staying the same for you?

List 3 things you do, that regardless of external changes remain consistent. Here’s an example:

  1. I make decisions based on what’s good for the human beings in our organization, not blindly sacrificing them for the bottom line.

  2. I look for the lesson in my missteps, even if I overreact behind closed doors!

  3. I try, even in tough conversations, to bring people along with me, and not dismiss other points of view.

Do you notice what’s happening here?

Even when the players change, the rules change, the weather changes, your values don’t. You have control as to how to approach life, even when life is like a constant roller coaster.  

This is a simple but grounding concept and is extremely helpful on days when changes that are out of your control are trying your last nerve.

What has remained the same in your world?