The Power of Unplugging

Last week, I had the most innovative, productive week of the summer.

This is not an irritating boast to point out how great I am. It’s just the opposite.

All summer, I was trying to get through some planning, development, and goal setting. I would start and become distracted more easily than usual. Even on my 3 day retreat, I found myself feeling clunky, and cobwebs getting in the way. I was trying so hard to relax, I couldn’t fully relax.

Then, I unplugged.

Actually unplugged.

(I don’t count watching the Olympics on an old, grainy cottage TV as plugged 😊).

I rode in a boat. I tried to fish. I played cards with my mom. I solved the world's problems with my oldest friend while sitting on a dock.

My mind completely unplugged from work because I gave myself PERMISSION not to think, connect, or do anything related to my work life.

I was excited to get home and work. It was that true feeling of refresh - yes, I was also the nerd who was thrilled to go to Towers or Woolco for “back to school shopping” and pick out a new pencil case each year..

The difference:

I gave myself permission to dismiss any thought of solutions, except what to eat and who was starting the fire. I didn’t try too hard to disconnect – I just had no pressure to force myself to do anything.

It worked.

I hope it works for you.

The Keys:

1.       Get out of your everyday environment.

2.       Allow your mind to be bored, to float, observe and be in the place you are in.

3.       Even if just for a day, give yourself permission to be “off”.

The end.

Let me know how it goes for you. What made the difference?