Re-Ignite Hope

I have been thinking a lot about hope lately. So much has changed in the world and we’ve all been riding the roller coaster awaiting a new normal. Although there are many things we cannot control, there are some we can.

We spend too much time and energy in our careers to be hopeless there. 

Wishing or hoping something will change is different than having the belief that things will get better, and you have a part to play in that belief. 

Because we are human, we have the ability to change. That is hope. 

Do not lose hope that you can get better, you can make better choices, react less, and shift to more positive and productive thinking. 

I have always loved people. Humans are messy, fun, energizing, creative, confusing, fallible, inspiring, limited and so many more things. And one thing I believe is that we can change.

If you are human, there is hope.

You can make that change. You have the power to re-ignite hope. 

Hope that you will enjoy work again. 

Hope that “this” is going somewhere.

Hope that you will have time to think, to contribute in a meaningful way again, not just talk in circles because that is what happens in meetings at your organization.

Let’s talk about re-igniting hope in your career, team, workplace.