Best Decision Possible

Best Decision Possible 

We are being asked as leaders, as parents, and as fellow citizens to wade through many big decisions. Send your kids to school, or choose online school. Ask your team to work independently, or constantly question productivity and check up on them. The options are endless. We are asked to weigh facts, feelings, and future goals in order to make these decisions. They affect a great number of people; our teams, our kids, our pets, you name it. So how do we know if we are making the best possible decision?

The easy answer: we don't.

What we do know, however, is if we have considered all the available information, our own experience, and most importantly perhaps, instinct.

Will all parties like your decision? Heck no. Instead, ask yourself "Am I making the best decision possible, regardless of how popular or unpopular it will make me?"

When you answer yes, rip off the band-aid and go with it. At the very least this will offer you the deep sense of certainty that you have done what you can, not that you're right. Nothing more, nothing less and that is all we can ask right now. 

Self-care, ValuesJen Schrafft