
As we are in the middle of a global self-isolation movement with COVID-19 in our midst, I thought it appropriate to talk about the power of choice.

When we feel we don’t have a choice, it is very easy to slide into the role of Victim. When we feel we do have a choice, we stand a little taller, hold our heads a little higher and life seems just a fraction sunnier.

I work from home – I coach from here, I do my work via phone or videoconference apps, yet the minute I was told people should all work from home, I felt a tightening inside.


When we choose, we feel in control. When others choose, we feel out of control.

The fix? Make a choice to set up a plan to follow.  

Here are my 5 tips to Home Based Sanity:

1.       Keep to a schedule. Things are different than they were, that is a fact. Take back control by blocking time in your day for certain tasks. Here are some helpful links. Daily Routine to Try*X5c2OndGW99ovdBGcBdZDw

2.       Get real with your gratitude journal. Start your day and end your day (or choose one), by writing down at least 3 things you are grateful for. Why does this work? It sets your mind up for the day to look for the good, and end with the good.

3.       You better have fun! For me, it’s music and art. For my BFF it’s riding to her favourite 80’s Peloton ride. For you, it might be baking. Create an hour a day for pure, selfish delight.

4.       Move. Your. Body. Fresh air and a makeshift workout routine are key to not losing your mind and kicking that serotonin into high gear.

5.       VIDEO CHAT is your new best friend; this is your connection to other humans and we are blessed in this culture to have it as an option.  

People, most of us have kids at home, spouses at home, and a 24/7 stream of bad news coming at us. This is not the time to take every day willy-nilly! Get yourself set up and let me know how it’s going. Share to this group what is working for you.