My Kind Of Work

Today, I should have been working in person with a group of 15 people, kicking off a 6 part leadership training series. I am really excited about working with this group because they embody why I do what I do:

  • They want to increase the positive experience their managers have on the job

  • They want to see their people develop and grow

  • They want to increase the positive experience customers have 

  • They of course, want to increase revenue, but this was not on the top of the list 

Although we can’t come together yet because of the current lockdown period, I am looking forward to this more than any group work I have done for a while. Why? They care about their people.

Nothing gets me more excited than working with organizations that truly value their employees. 

They didn’t come to me asking to fix anyone or anything.

They came to me saying that they want to make sure their managers have everything they need to help their teams. 

This is my kind of work.

What’s yours?