The Great Resignation?

A quick Google search or a discussion with just about any professional leader would give you a whole lot to think about when it comes to the job market and the wave of change we’re seeing among various industries.

A recent global study found that currently:

  • Resignation rates are highest among mid-career employees

  • Resignation rates are highest in the technology and healthcare industries

So, what can we do about the Great Resignation?
We can shift our focus from the theory behind it to identifying the cause and being part of a solution.

Are your people happy?
What is on their minds?
How do you ask without being worried you are promising things outside of your control?

In my experience, the main reason people leave is because there is a lack of connection.

What does connection in the workplace look like?

How do I create this in a hybrid or virtual model?

Our strategic coaching is designed around exactly this. It’s about identifying causes, developing solutions, and creating plans to implement them for results. We help you understand how to build connection, fix what is broken, and be great leaders.

Are you a leader ready to improve the experience for your team? Let’s chat!

Book your complimentary 30 minute coaching call to get started.
